Phone : 08123640767       email :

Working Permit(KITAS)

Please find below the requirement of Working Kitas


Company Data Need:

  1. Copy Id from the company director
  2. Copy of Company Tax Registration Number (NPWP)
  3. Copy of Company License (SIUP)
  4. Copy of Company registration Mark (TDP)
  5. Copy of Company Establishment from Registered Notary (AKTE Perusahaan)
  6. Copy of Ministerial Decree (SK Menteri)
  7. Copy of Company Residence Letter


* All copy have to be in color


Expatriate Document Need

  1. Copy Passport with min 2 years validity
  2. Your CV
  3. University Letter of Graduation
  4. 6 Years Working Experience
  5. Insurance
  6. Copy ID from Local Employment as your Expatriate Substitute in future

* All copy have to be in color


Fee : Rp. 7.800.000,-

Working Kitas + Exit Re-Entry Permit valid for 1 Year




Hope our data will clarify, please feel free to contact us for further question or assistance

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